Drugs and Alcohol Resistence Education- or simply DARE, a wonderful opportunity for students of Tamaki Intermediate School to learn how to resist those horrible things we call drugs and alcohol.
Our lucky school was pleased to have Constable Teina Karaka from the Police Department come and teach us all about the side effects of drugs, the uses and disuses and the punishments for the use, possession and distribution of all these drugs.
Things were interesting from the very start when we played the Electric Shock game to the very end when a Customs officer came in with his Customs dog.
That assembly was awesome we saw a slideshow of what Customs officers do and where we saw what happens when you come over from a different country with drugs on them and we also saw weird places where people hide drugs. One place was in kids toys, strapped to the person around their stomach and many, many more weird and sometimes disturbing places.
Then there was the dog it was very happy and excited by all of the kids and when volunteers went up by the stage, the dog straight away went to Mrs Sigamoney. That was probably because the customs officer hid something on her before hand.
DARE was a fabulous and awesome thing to experience I am glad that this programme has been set up to help young adults to decide which is the right direction to go in and what one isn't. So I'd like to say hank you to Tamaki Intermediate and Constable Teina for setting up this opportunity and educating us on this.
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